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Enhancing PowerFactory Dynamic Models with Python for Rapid Prototyping., , и . ISIE, стр. 93-99. IEEE, (2019)Model based predictive control for a solar-thermal system., , и . AFRICON, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2011)Probabilistic DAM price forecasting using a combined Quantile Regression Deep Neural Network with less-crossing quantiles., , и . IECON, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Modelling and design of a linear predictive controller for a solar powered HVAC system., , , и . ISIE, стр. 869-874. IEEE, (2012)Frequency Support of Fast-Multi-Energy Storage Systems in Low Rotational Inertia Scenarios., , , , и . ISGT-Europe, стр. 879-883. IEEE, (2020)Assessment of Under-Frequency Load Shedding in Mongolia Considering Inertia Scenarios., , , , и . ISGT-Europe, стр. 1201-1205. IEEE, (2020)Training Strategies for Autoencoder-based Detection of False Data Injection Attacks., , , и . ISGT-Europe, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2020)Active power loss minimization in radial distribution networks with analytical method of simultaneous optimal DG sizing., , , и . ICIT, стр. 470-475. IEEE, (2016)Common approach to functional safety and system security in building automation and control systems., , и . ETFA, стр. 1141-1148. IEEE, (2007)Testing approach for online hardware self tests in embedded safety related systems., , , и . ETFA, стр. 1270-1277. IEEE, (2007)