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Lifting Reference Monitors from the Kernel.. FASec, том 2629 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-2. Springer, (2002)Implementing Trustworthy Services Using Replicated State Machines., и . Replication, том 5959 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 151-167. Springer, (2010)Federated Identity Management Systems: A Privacy-Based Characterization., и . IEEE Secur. Priv., 11 (5): 36-48 (2013)Automated Analysis of Fault-Tolerance in Distributed Systems., и . Formal Methods Syst. Des., 26 (2): 183-196 (2005)CODEX: A Robust and Secure Secret Distribution System., и . IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput., 1 (1): 34-47 (2004)NetQuery: a knowledge plane for reasoning about network properties., , и . StudentWorkshop@CoNEXT, стр. 23:1-23:2. ACM, (2010)A Language-Based Approach to Security., , и . Informatics, том 2000 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 86-101. Springer, (2001)More on Master Keys for Group Sharing., , и . Inf. Process. Lett., 13 (3): 125-126 (1981)On Language Restrictions to Ensure Deterministic Behavior in Concurrent Systems., и . Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, стр. 537-541. North-Holland, (1978)Ancile: Enhancing Privacy for Ubiquitous Computing with Use-Based Privacy., , , , , , и . WPES@CCS, стр. 111-124. ACM, (2019)