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Gender differences in revealed risk taking: evidence from mutual fund investors, , and . Economics Letters, 76 (2): 151--158 (July 2002)Aggregation bias in the economic model of crime, and . Economics Letters, 75 (1): 81--86 (March 2002)Does Market Experience Eliminate Market Anomalies?. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118 (1): 41--71 (2003)A fundraising mechanism inspired by historical tontines: Theory and experimental evidence, , and . Journal of Public Economics, 91 (9): 1750--1782 (September 2007)USING LOTTERIES TO FINANCE PUBLIC GOODS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE*, , and . International Economic Review, 48 (3): 901--927 (213 08 2007)doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2354.2007.00449.x.Field Experiments, and . Journal of Economic Literature, 42 (4): 1009-1055 (2004)Shadow prices, environmental stringency, and international competitiveness, , and . European Economic Review, 50 (5): 1151--1167 (July 2006)Do causes of environmental problems affect Hicksian equivalent surplus?: Evidence from the field, , , and . Economics Letters, 85 (2): 157--162 (November 2004)The impact of challenge gifts on charitable giving: an experimental investigation, and . Economics Letters, 79 (2): 153--159 (May 2003)Elasticities of beer demand revisited, and . Economics Letters, 61 (1): 67--71 (Oct 1, 1998)