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Selective posterior lumbosacral rhizotomy in teenagers and young adults with spastic cerebral palsy.

, and . Br J Neurosurg, 8 (2): 135--139 (1994)

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Cerebral palsy spasticity. Selective posterior rhizotomy., , and . Pediatr Neurosci, 13 (2): 61--66 (1987)Experience with botulinum toxin in the treatment of cerebral palsy., , and . S Afr Med J, 87 (8): 1001--1003 (August 1997)A comparative study of postnatally-acquired cerebral palsy in Cape Town., and . Dev Med Child Neurol, 31 (2): 246--254 (April 1989)Cerebral palsy in Cape Town: a comparative 12-year retrospective study., , , , and . S Afr Med J, 53 (9): 319--324 (March 1978)Incidence of spinal deformity in children after multiple level laminectomy for selective posterior rhizotomy., , , and . Childs Nerv Syst, 6 (1): 30--32 (January 1990)Cerebral palsy in Cape Town: A review of 389 coloured children., , , and . S Afr Med J, 57 (20): 823--826 (May 1980)Gait before and 10 years after rhizotomy in children with cerebral palsy spasticity., , , and . J Neurosurg, 88 (6): 1014--1019 (June 1998)Selective posterior lumbosacral rhizotomy in teenagers and young adults with spastic cerebral palsy., and . Br J Neurosurg, 8 (2): 135--139 (1994)Selective posterior rhizotomy: a long-term follow-up study., , and . Childs Nerv Syst, 5 (3): 148--152 (June 1989)'Botulinum toxin treatment in cerebral palsy: intervention with poor evaluation?'., , and . Dev Med Child Neurol, 40 (11): 785--787 (November 1998)