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Gravity Direction Estimation and Heading Determination for Pedestrian Navigation., , и . IPIN, стр. 206-212. IEEE, (2018)Visual Navigation With Spatial Attention., , и . CVPR, стр. 16898-16907. Computer Vision Foundation / IEEE, (2021)Globally Convergent Parallel MAP LP Relaxation Solver using the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm., , , и . ICML, том 32 из JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings, стр. 487-495., (2014)K-hyperplane Hinge-Minimax Classifier., , и . ICML, том 37 из JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings, стр. 1558-1566., (2015)Following the Perturbed Leader for Online Structured Learning., и . ICML, том 37 из JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings, стр. 1034-1042., (2015)A Formal Approach to Explainability., , и . AIES, стр. 255-261. ACM, (2019)On the generalization of bayesian deep nets for multi-class classification., , , и . CoRR, (2020)A Primal-Dual Message-Passing Algorithm for Approximated Large Scale Structured Prediction., и . NIPS, стр. 838-846. Curran Associates, Inc., (2010)Direct Optimization through arg max for Discrete Variational Auto-Encoder., , , и . NeurIPS, стр. 6200-6211. (2019)High-Order Attention Models for Visual Question Answering., , и . NIPS, стр. 3664-3674. (2017)