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A Case Study on Grammatical-Based Representation for Regular Expression Evolution., , , и . PAAMS (Special Sessions and Workshops), том 71 из Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, стр. 379-386. Springer, (2010)A New Decision Algorithm for Audio Voting Systems., , , и . IMECS, стр. 366-370. Newswood Limited, (2006)Confidence intervals of success rates in evolutionary computation., , и . GECCO, стр. 975-976. ACM, (2010)Unified framework for path-planning and task-planning for autonomous robots., , и . Robotics Auton. Syst., (2016)A Versatile Executive Based on T-REX for Any Robotic Domain., , и . SGAI Conf., том 11311 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 79-91. Springer, (2018)A Hybrid MOGA-CSP for Multi-UAV Mission Planning., , , и . GECCO (Companion), стр. 1205-1208. ACM, (2015)Multi-Agent Temporal Task Solving and Plan Optimization., и . ICAPS, стр. 50-58. AAAI Press, (2024)Improving ED admissions forecasting by using generative AI: An approach based on DGAN., , и . Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., (2024)MoBAr: a Hierarchical Action-Oriented Autonomous Control Architecture., , , и . J. Intell. Robotic Syst., 94 (3-4): 745-760 (2019)A Fast Goal Recognition Technique Based on Interaction Estimates., , и . IJCAI, стр. 761-768. AAAI Press, (2015)