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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Transforming trace information in architectural documents into re-usable and effective traceability links., und . SHARK@ICSE, Seite 45-52. ACM, (2011)Evolving software trace links between requirements and source code., und . Empir. Softw. Eng., 23 (4): 2198-2231 (2018)Enhancing Automated Software Traceability by Transfer Learning from Open-World Data., , , , , und . CoRR, (2022)Automated requirements engineering challenges with examples from small unmanned aerial systems (keynote).. ASE, Seite 3. ACM, (2018)Ontology-based trace retrieval., und . TEFSE@ICSE, Seite 30-36. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Personas in the middle: automated support for creating personas as focal points in feature gathering forums., und . ASE, Seite 479-484. ACM, (2014)On-demand feature recommendations derived from mining public product descriptions., , , , , , und . ICSE, Seite 181-190. ACM, (2011)Cold-start software analytics., , , , , und . MSR, Seite 142-153. ACM, (2016)Archie: a tool for detecting, monitoring, and preserving architecturally significant code., , , , und . SIGSOFT FSE, Seite 739-742. ACM, (2014)Human-Drone Interactions with Semi-Autonomous Cohorts of Collaborating Drones., und . iHDI@CHI, Volume 2617 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2020)