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Automatic grasping and regrasping by space characterization for pick-and-place operations., , , and . IROS, page 58-63. IEEE, (1991)The RWC text databases., , , , , , , and . LREC, page 457-462. European Language Resources Association, (1998)Scene interpretation based on boundary representations of stereo images., , and . ICPR, page 155-159. IEEE, (1988)3D localization of partially buried object in unstructured environment., , , , , , and . ICPR, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Integration and interpretation of incomplete stereo scene data., , and . CVPR, page 683-685. IEEE, (1991)Self-calibration Of Stereo Cameras., and . ICCV, page 123-128. IEEE, (1988)Large scale stereo vision., and . ICPR (1), page 628-631. IEEE, (1992)Automatic word assignment to images based on dividing image and vector quantization., , and . RIAO, page 285-293. CID, (2000)Continuous Retrieval of Video Using Segmentation-Free Query., , , and . ICPR, page 3375-3378. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Construction of cell sheet-based 3D tissues with designed cell orientation using anisotropic cell sheets., , , , and . MHS, page 1-3. IEEE, (2014)