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A Framework for Constructing Animations via Declarative Mapping Rules.

, , , and . VL, page 314-322. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)

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A Framework for Constructing Animations via Declarative Mapping Rules., , , and . VL, page 314-322. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Declarative Programming of Graphical Interfaces by Visual Examples., , , , and . ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, page 107-116. ACM, (1992)Locally Simultaneous Constraint Satisfaction., , , , and . PPCP, volume 874 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 51-62. Springer, (1994)Wearable Motion Tolerant PPG Sensor for Instant Heart Rate in Daily Activity., , , , , and . BIOSIGNALS, page 126-133. SciTePress, (2017)Interactive Generation of Graphical User Interfaces by Multiple Visual Examples., , , and . ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, page 85-94. ACM, (1994)A Constraint-Based Approach for Visualization and Animation., , , , and . Constraints An Int. J., 3 (1): 61-86 (1998)Java and VRML for 3D Worlds, , and . New Riders Publishing, Indianapolis, IN, USA, (1996)