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On-line Random Forest, , , , и . (2009)Recognizing cars in aerial imagery to improve orthophotos., , , и . GIS, стр. 2. ACM, (2007)Determination of legal majority age from 3D magnetic resonance images of the radius bone., , , и . ISBI, стр. 1119-1122. IEEE, (2014)Grid Loss: Detecting Occluded Faces., , , , и . ECCV (3), том 9907 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 386-402. Springer, (2016)ATGV-Net: Accurate Depth Super-Resolution., , и . ECCV (3), том 9907 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 268-284. Springer, (2016)A Detailed Description of Direct Stereo Visual Odometry Based on Lines., , и . VISIGRAPP (Revised Selected Papers), том 693 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 353-373. Springer, (2016)DRT: Detection Refinement for Multiple Object Tracking., , , , и . BMVC, стр. 235. BMVA Press, (2021)Beyond Pairwise Shape Similarity Analysis., , и . ACCV (3), том 5996 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 655-666. Springer, (2009)Visual Landmark-Based Localization for MAVs Using Incremental Feature Updates., , и . 3DIMPVT, стр. 278-285. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Incremental Surface Extraction from Sparse Structure-from-Motion Point Clouds., , , и . BMVC, BMVA Press, (2013)