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A Zirconium Dioxide Ammonia Microsensor Integrated with a Readout Circuit Manufactured Using the 0.18 μm CMOS Process., , and . Sensors, 13 (3): 3664-3674 (2013)Implementation and analysis of microwave switch in CMOS-MEMS technology., , , , and . ISCAS, IEEE, (2006)Manufacturing and Characterization of a Thermoelectric Energy Harvester Using the CMOS-MEMS Technology., , and . Micromachines, 6 (10): 1560-1568 (2015)Capacitive Micro Pressure Sensor Integrated with a Ring Oscillator Circuit on Chip., , , and . Sensors, 9 (12): 10158-10170 (2009)Fabrication of Wireless Micro Pressure Sensor Using the CMOS Process., , , and . Sensors, 9 (11): 8748-8760 (2009)An energy harvesting device manufactured using the commercial 0.18 µm CMOS process., , and . NEMS, page 128-131. IEEE, (2013)Fabrication of an ammonia microsensor based on zinc oxide., and . NEMS, page 270-273. IEEE, (2013)Micro FET pressure sensor manufactured using CMOS-MEMS technique., , , and . Microelectron. J., 39 (5): 744-749 (2008)Magnetic Micro Sensors with Two Magnetic Field Effect Transistors Fabricated Using the Commercial Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Process., , , , and . Sensors, 20 (17): 4731 (2020)The Enzymatic Doped/Undoped Poly-Silicon Nanowire Sensor for Glucose Concentration Measurement., , , and . Sensors, 23 (6): 3166 (March 2023)