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The macroeconomic implications of financial deregulation

, and . European Economic Review, 35 (1): 155--178 (January 1991)

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The profitability of anticipated inflation in banking, , , and . Economics Letters, 37 (1): 57--60 (September 1991)The macroeconomic implications of financial deregulation, and . European Economic Review, 35 (1): 155--178 (January 1991)Optimization of the Physiological Capacities at Human The Bio-Nutritional Assumption of Responsibility of Sportsman., and . CBMS, page 449-454. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Friedman's velocity hypothesis: Some evidence for France. Economics Letters, 32 (3): 251--255 (March 1990)PRICE STABILITY AND THE ECB'S MONETARY POLICY STRATEGY*, and . Journal of Economic Surveys, 21 (2): 268--326 (91 04 2007)doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6419.2006.00504.x.