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Fault tolerance in spatial query processing for Wireless Sensor Networks., , и . NOMS, стр. 97-104. IEEE, (2012)Self-configuration of wireless multi-hop networks., , и . Integrated Network Management, стр. 940-945. IEEE, (2011)Management of wireless sensor networks., , и . Integrated Network Management, стр. 788. IEEE, (2005)NEKAP: Intruder Resilient and Energy Efficient Key Establishment in Sensor Networks., , и . ICCCN, стр. 803-808. IEEE, (2007)An hierarchical routing protocol for opportunistic emergency networks., , и . LANC, стр. 36-43. ACM, (2012)The SIS project: a distributed platform for the integration of telecommunication management systems., и . NOMS, стр. 175-185. IEEE, (1996)Defining a Wireless Sensor Network Management Protocol., , , , и . LANOMS, стр. 39-50. UFRGS, (2005)Performance Monitoring of Management Systems., , , и . LANOMS, (1999)Enhancing peer-to-peer content discovery techniques over mobile ad hoc networks., , , , , , и . Comput. Commun., 32 (13-14): 1445-1459 (2009)Distributed Resource Selection in Grid Using Decision Theory., , и . CCGRID, стр. 327-334. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)