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On an extension of the Gale-Nikaido-Debreu lemma. Economics Letters, 25 (1): 51--53 (1987)Asymptotic properties of a Leontief economy, , , и . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 13 (4): 553--568 (октября 1989)Edgeworth and Walras equilibria of an arbitrage-free exchange economy., и . Economic Theory, 23 (2): p353 - 370 (2004)T-period economies with incomplete markets, и . Economics Letters, 44 (1-2): 91--97 (1994)Edgeworth and Walras equilibria of an arbitrage-free exchange economy., и . Economic Theory, 23 (2): p353 - 370 (20040201)Markets with countably many periods. Economics Letters, 36 (3): 233--238 (июля 1991)