Author of the publication

SIMBA: méthodologie et plateforme de prototypage moyenne fidélité pour les systèmes interactifs mixtes.

, , , , , and . UbiMob, volume 277 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 21-28. ACM, (2008)

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Ergonomic criteria adapted to human virtual environment interaction., and . IHM, volume 51 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 24-31. ACM, (2003)Un modèle préliminaire du domaine des systèmes mixtes., , , , , and . IHM, page 61-68. ACM, (2004)Combining interviews and scales in the multidimensional evaluation of user experience: a case study in 3D games., , and . ECCE, page 157-160. Universitätsdruckerei Rostock, Germany / ACM, (2011)Identifying User eXperiencing Factors along the Development Process: A Case Study., , and . I-UxSED, volume 922 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 37-42., (2012)Evaluation of ergonomic criteria to categorise use problems induced by complexity phenomenon., , , and . Erog'IA, page 8:1-8:10. ACM, (2018)Scenario-based VR Application for Collaborative Design., , , , and . VISIGRAPP (1: GRAPP), page 237-244. SCITEPRESS, (2021)Mobile applications for incident reporting systems in urban contexts: lessons learned from an empirical study., , , and . ECCE, page 29:1-29:10. ACM, (2013)Extension de la norme ISO 9241-9 au pointage en 3D., , , and . IHM, page 20:1-20:4. ACM, (2011)A user-centered approach of complexity: toward development of a method to support simplex systems design., , , and . HCI-Aero, page 22:1-22:4. ACM, (2016)Co-conception d'expériences interactives augmentées dédiées aux situations muséales., , and . IHM, volume 133 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 11-18. ACM, (2006)