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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

VLSI, computer science, and synergetic research.. ACM Conference on Computer Science, Seite 17-19. ACM, (1983)Twitter Geolocation and Regional Classification via Sparse Coding., , und . ICWSM, Seite 582-585. AAAI Press, (2015)Parallelization Primitives for Dynamic Sparse Computations., , und . HotPar, USENIX Association, (2013)The Design of Nectar: A Network Backplane for Heterogeneous Multicomputers., , , , , und . ASPLOS, Seite 205-216. ACM Press, (1989)SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 17(2), SIGOPS Operating System Review 23(Special Issue April 1989), and SIGPLAN Notices 24(Special Issue May 1989).Synchronizing Large VLSI Processor Arrays, und . ISCA, Seite 54-58. ACM, (1983)Zero Queueing Flow Control and Applications., und . INFOCOM, Seite 192-200. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Adversarial nets with perceptual losses for text-to-image synthesis., , und . MLSP, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Infomax-ICA using Hessian-free optimization., , und . ICASSP, Seite 2537-2541. IEEE, (2017)Detecting Depression using Vocal, Facial and Semantic Communication Cues., , , , , , , , und . AVEC@ACM Multimedia, Seite 11-18. ACM, (2016)Maestro: A Memory-on-Logic Architecture for Coordinated Parallel Use of Many Systolic Arrays., , , , und . ASAP, Seite 42-50. IEEE, (2019)