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Autonomous landing of airplanes by dynamic machine vision., и . WACV, стр. 172-179. IEEE, (1992)A general dynamic vision architecture for UGV and UAV.. Appl. Intell., 2 (3): 251-270 (1992)A Vision System with Acitve Gaze Control for Real-Time Interpretation of Well Structured Dynamic Scenes., и . IAS, стр. 477-483. North-Holland, (1986)Design and control of a camera platform for machine vision., и . IROS, стр. 2058-2063. IEEE, (1994)Detailed Visual Recognition of Road Scenes for Guiding Autonomous Vehicles.. Advances in Real-Time Systems, стр. 225-244. Springer, (2012)4D-Szenenanalyse mit integralen raum-/zeitlichen Modellen.. DAGM-Symposium, том 149 из Informatik-Fachberichte, стр. 257-271. Springer, (1987)Techniques for Autonomous, Off-Road Navigation., , , , и . IEEE Intelligent Systems, 13 (6): 57-65 (1998)Ein kompaktes System zu visuellen Straßenerkennung., , и . DAGM-Symposium, стр. 619-626. Springer, (1996)Vehicles Capable of Dynamic Vision.. IJCAI, стр. 1577-1592. Morgan Kaufmann, (1997)Radar and Vision Data Fusion for Hybrid Adaptive Cruise Control on Highways., , и . ICVS, том 2095 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 125-138. Springer, (2001)