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Dynamic bandwidth management as part of an integrated network management system based on distributed agents., , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 2084-2088. IEEE, (2002)An enhanced dynamic multilayer routing for networks with protection requirements., , , и . J. Commun. Networks, 9 (4): 377-382 (2007)Guest Editorial., и . J. Networks, 10 (01): 1-3 (2015)CITS 2024 General Chairs' Message., , , , , , , , и . CITS, стр. I-III. IEEE, (2024)Multicast Extension of Unicast Charging for QoS Services., , и . ECUMN, стр. 119-126. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Iterative Research Method Applied to the Design and Evaluation of a Dynamic Multicast Routing Scheme., , , , , , , и . FP7 FIRE/EULER, том 7586 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 107-126. Springer, (2012)Efficient Routing in Data Center with Underlying Cayley Graph., , , и . CompleNet, том 549 из Studies in Computational Intelligence, стр. 189-197. Springer, (2014)Ant Colony Behaviour as Routing Mechanism to Provide Quality of Service., , , , и . ANTS Workshop, том 3172 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 418-419. Springer, (2004)Introduction., , , и . FP7 FIRE/EULER, том 7586 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-4. Springer, (2012)Cayley-Graph-Based Data Centers and Space Requirements of a Routing Scheme Using Automata., , , и . ICDCS Workshops, стр. 63-69. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)