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Limitations for Nonlinear Observation Over Erasure Channel., и . IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 58 (2): 454-459 (2013)Vulnerability analysis of dynamical power networks to stochastic link failure attacks., , и . HSCC, стр. 219-226. ACM, (2015)Reciprocity of Algorithms Solving Distributed Consensus-Based Optimization and Distributed Resource Allocation., , и . MED, стр. 904-909. IEEE, (2021)Sparse Learning of Dynamical Systems in RKHS: An Operator-Theoretic Approach., , , , и . ICML, том 202 из Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, стр. 13325-13352. PMLR, (2023)Stochastic stability analysis of discrete-time system using Lyapunov measure.. ACC, стр. 4646-4651. IEEE, (2015)A Distributed Second-Order Gradient Continuous-Time Algorithm for Resource Allocation., , и . ACC, стр. 204-209. IEEE, (2022)A Convex Approach to Stochastic Optimal Control Using Linear Operators., и . ACC, стр. 1306-1311. IEEE, (2021)Transfer Operator Theoretic Framework for Monitoring Building Indoor Environment in Uncertain Operating Conditions., , , и . ACC, стр. 6790-6797. IEEE, (2018)Data-Driven Approach for Uncertainty Propagation and Reachability Analysis in Dynamical Systems., , и . ACC, стр. 3393-3398. IEEE, (2020)Dynamical system based approach to distributed particle vector machine., и . ACC, стр. 3128-3133. IEEE, (2017)