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Personalized Course Navigation Based on Grey Relational Analysis, , and . Applied Intelligence, 22 (2): 83--92 (March 2005)Heap Spraying Revelation: Heap-spraying Detection based on Minimal Length Sequence and Argument Analysis., , , and . ICS, volume 274 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 811-820. IOS Press, (2014)Part-of-speech tagging for Chinese unknown words in a domain-specific small corpus using morphological and contextual rules., , , and . NLPKE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2010)A Neural Network Document Classifier with Linguistic Feature Selection., , and . IEA/AIE, volume 1821 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 555-560. Springer, (2000)An intelligent web-page classifier with fair feature-subset selection., , and . Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell., 19 (8): 967-978 (2006)Building GML-native web-based geographic information systems, , , and . Computers & Geosciences, 35 (9): 1802-1816 (2009)Inconsistency Resolution and Rule Insertion for Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems., , and . J. Inf. Sci. Eng., 18 (2): 187-210 (2002)Personalized Course Navigation Based on Grey Relational Analysis, , and . Applied Intelligence, 22 (2): 83--92 (Mar 1, 2005)Learning efficiency improvement of back propagation algorithm by error saturation prevention method., , and . IJCNN, page 1737-1742. IEEE, (1999)AOS: An optimized sandbox method used in behavior-based malware detection., , , , , and . ICMLC, page 404-409. IEEE, (2011)