Author of the publication

Effect of allopurinol on adrenergically induced changes in serum lipid levels, heart rate and blood pressure in normal and ischemic rabbits (author's transl)

, , , and . Arzneimittelforschung, 32 (3): 218-21 (1982)Sziegoleit, W Lohse, M Riedel, H Forster, W English Abstract Germany, west Arzneimittel-Forschung Arzneimittelforschung. 1982;32(3):218-21..

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Effect of allopurinol on adrenergically induced changes in serum lipid levels, heart rate and blood pressure in normal and ischemic rabbits (author's transl), , , and . Arzneimittelforschung, 32 (3): 218-21 (1982)Sziegoleit, W Lohse, M Riedel, H Forster, W English Abstract Germany, west Arzneimittel-Forschung Arzneimittelforschung. 1982;32(3):218-21..Effect of allopurinol on the liberation of free fatty acids from isolated rat and rabbit adipose tissue, stimulated by noradrenaline or adrenocortico-tropic hormone, , , and . Acta Biol Med Ger, 40 (6): 881-3 (1981)Sziegoleit, W Schmidt, C Lohse, M Forster, W Germany, east Acta biologica et medica Germanica Acta Biol Med Ger. 1981;40(6):881-3..Statistical analysis to determine the relative importance of variables involved in foliar uptake, , , and . Transactions of the Asabe, 49 (1): 25-31 (2006)Mechanisms of cuticular uptake of xenobiotics into living plants: Evaluation of a logistic-kinetic penetration model, , and . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54 (8): 3025-3032 (2006)The Role of Online Shopping and Fulfillment in the Hong Kong SARS Crisis., and . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Exploring the Value Structure Behind Mobile Auction Adoption Intention., and . AMCIS, page 499. Association for Information Systems, (2007)Mechanisms of cuticular uptake of xenobiotics into living plants: 1. Influence of xenobiotic dose on the uptake of three model compounds applied in the absence and presence of surfactants into Chenopodium album, Hedera helix and Stephanotis floribunda leaves, , and . Pest Management Science, 60 (11): 1105-1113 (2004)