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Developing a Method to Estimate Maize Area in North and Northeast of China Combining Crop Phenology Information and Time-Series MODIS EVI., , , , , , , and . IEEE Access, (2019)Exploring and Optimizing Chipkill-Correct for Persistent Memory Based on High-Density NVRAMs., , and . MICRO, page 710-723. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Energy-efficient opportunistic localization with indoor wireless sensor networks., , , , and . Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst., 8 (4): 973-990 (2011)Enabling efficient and robust network service for vehicular users. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, (2013)A Secure and Efficient USB-based In-band Communication Interface between Host and BMC., , , , and . ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom, page 228-237. IEEE, (2022)The Gene of Scientific Success., , , , , and . ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data, 14 (4): 41:1-41:19 (2020)Dynamic Temporal Pyramid Network: A Closer Look at Multi-scale Modeling for Activity Detection., , and . ACCV (4), volume 11364 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 712-728. Springer, (2018)Towards Segment-level Video Understanding: Detecting Activities from Untrimmed Videos.. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, (2020)Multimodal Deep Representation Learning for Protein-Protein Interaction Networks., and . BIBM, page 595-602. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)A Distributed Court System for Intrusion Detection in OLSR., and . CIS (1), page 478-482. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)