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Optimal credit rationing in not-for-profit financial institutions*, , и . International Economic Review, 44 (1): 243--261 (32 02 2003)doi: 10.1111/1468-2354.t01-1-00069.Demographic change, social security systems, and savings, , , и . Journal of Monetary Economics, 54 (1): 92--114 (января 2007)Specialization, scale economies and economic development. Economics Letters, 52 (1): 95--100 (июля 1996)Does age structure forecast economic growth?, , , и . International Journal of Forecasting, 23 (4): 569--585 (00 2007)Structural Stability Implies Robustness to Bounded Rationality., и . J. Econ. Theory, 101 (2): 395-422 (2001)