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Internationale Wirtschaft, and . Wi - Wirtschaft Pearson Studium, München u.a., 7., aktualisierte Aufl. der amerikan. Aufl. edition, (2006)Imperfect asset substitutability and monetary policy under fixed exchange rates. Journal of International Economics, 10 (2): 177--200 (May 1980)A model of currency depreciation and the debt-inflation spiral. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 15 (1): 151--177 (1991)Exchange-rate dynamics under stochastic regime shifts : A unified approach, and . Journal of International Economics, 31 (3-4): 203--229 (November 1991)Intertemporal price speculation and the optimal current-account deficit: reply and clarification. Journal of International Money and Finance, 15 (1): 141--147 (February 1996)International economics, and . Addison-Wesley world student series Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass. u.a., 5. ed., internat. ed., reprint. with corr., June 2000 edition, (2000)Foundations of international macroeconomics, and . MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. u.a., (1996)International economics, and . The Addison-Wesley series in economics Pearson/Addison-Wesley, Boston, Mass. u.a., 8. ed., Pearson internat. ed edition, (2009)A strategy for launching the Euro. European Economic Review, 42 (6): 975--1007 (June 1998)Exchange rates, inflation, and the sterilization problem: Germany, 1975-1981. European Economic Review, 21 (1-2): 161--189 (00 1983)