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A novel approach to the exact design of first- and second-order Bode-type variable-amplitude bilinear-LDI switched-capacitor equalizers.

, , и . ISCAS (5), стр. 4437-4440. IEEE, (2005)

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A novel approach to the exact design of first- and second-order Bode-type variable-amplitude bilinear-LDI switched-capacitor equalizers., , и . ISCAS (5), стр. 4437-4440. IEEE, (2005)Design and switched-capacitor implementation of a new cascade-of-resonators Sigma-Delta converter configuration., , и . ISCAS (2), стр. 45-48. IEEE, (1999)An alternative approach to the design and synthesis of higher-order Bode-type variable-amplitude wave-digital equalizers., , и . ISCAS (5), стр. 293-296. IEEE, (2002)A novel approach to the design of higher-order Bode-type variable-amplitude wave-digital equalizers., и . ISCAS (2), стр. 637-640. IEEE, (2001)A necessary and sufficient condition for the BIBO stability of general-order bode-type variable-amplitude wave-digital equalizers., , и . ICME, стр. 841-844. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Design of arbitrary-order minimal operational-amplifier BIBO stable Bode-type variable-amplitude active-RC equalizers., , и . ISCAS (1), стр. 1032-1035. IEEE, (2004)A novel approach to the design and synthesis of general-order Bode-type variable-amplitude active-RC equalizers., и . ISCAS (1), стр. 513-516. IEEE, (2003)Stability and transient behavior of Bode-type variable-amplitude digital equalizers with dynamic variable multiplier variations., и . ISCAS, стр. 493-496. IEEE, (2000)A novel technique for optimization over the canonical signed-digit number space using genetic algorithms., и . ISCAS (2), стр. 745-748. IEEE, (2001)An exact BIBO stability condition for Bode-type variable-amplitude digital equalizers., и . ISCAS (1), стр. 19-22. IEEE, (1999)