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Cross-layer Location Information Security in Vehicular Networks., , , and . J. Next Gener. Inf. Technol., 3 (2): 37-56 (2012)Musicyolo: A Sight-Singing Onset/Offset Detection Framework Based on Object Detection Instead of Spectrum Frames., , , and . ICASSP, page 396-400. IEEE, (2022)A study of quadratic inference functions with alternative weighting matrices., and . Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 46 (2): 994-1007 (2017)Unsupervised Learning Grouping-Based Resampling for Particle Filters., , , , and . IEEE Access, (2019)Data fusion for location integrity in vehicle ad hoc networks., , and . iiWAS, page 805-808. ACM, (2010)Defects detection based on sparse regularization method for electromagnetic tomography (EMT)., , , , , , and . I2MTC, page 1-5. IEEE, (2017)Active position security through dynamically tunable radar., , , and . MASS, page 733-738. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Cooperative Collision Warning through mobility and probability prediction., , , , and . Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, page 1172-1177. IEEE, (2010)一种领域语料驱动的句子相关性计算方法研究 (Study on Domain-corpus Driven Calculation Method of Sentence Relevance)., , , and . 计算机科学, 43 (5): 188-192 (2016)Datacenter at the Airport: Reasoning about Time-Dependent Parking Lot Occupancy., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 23 (11): 2067-2080 (2012)