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A Novel Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Photoplethysmography., , , , and . CISP-BMEI, page 1-6. IEEE, (2019)A comparison of various equatorial pacific surface wind products., , , , , and . IGARSS, page 2049-2052. IEEE, (2011)Semiconductor Quality Prediction: Comprehensive Comparative Evaluation of Machine Learning Models., and . RICAI, page 1111-1115. IEEE, (2023)Multi-ciphertext equality test heterogeneous signcryption scheme based on location privacy., , , , and . J. Inf. Secur. Appl., (2025)Experimental Evaluation of Error Control for Video Multicast over Wireless LANs., and . ICDCS Workshops, page 301-306. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)An Empirical Model Analysis of the Typical Cross-border Scenarios of Automotive Data., , and . CSAIDE, page 575-581. ACM, (2024)Kernel-middleware interaction to support adaptation in pervasive computing environments., , , and . Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-hoc Computing, page 140-145. ACM, (2004)Sensitivity of Arctic Sea Ice Extent to Sea Ice Concentration Threshold Choice and Its Implication to Ice Coverage Decadal Trends and Statistical Projections., , , and . Remote Sensing, 12 (5): 807 (2020)Ensuring and Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products., , , and . D Lib Mag., (2017)A Novel Technique for Long-Time Coherent Integration of Supersonic Target Detection., , and . CIT, page 706-709. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)