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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Credit market frictions and the allocation of resources over the business cycle. Journal of Monetary Economics, 50 (8): 1795--1818 (November 2003)Rational panics and stock market crashes., und . J. Econ. Theory, 110 (2): 234-263 (2003)Earnings inequality and the business cycle, und . European Economic Review, 50 (1): 55--89 (Januar 2006)The Cost of Business Cycles Under Endogenous Growth. NBER Working Papers, 9970. National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc, (September 2003)The cost of business cycles and the benefits of stabilization. Economic Perspectives, 29 (Q I): 32-49 (2005)available at under the mattress: Inflation and lending of last resort., , , und . J. Econ. Theory, (2024)