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Emergence of Linguistic Representations by Independent Component Analysis, , и . A72. Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Computer and Information Science, Espoo, Finland, (2003)Independent Component Analysis of Word Contexts and Comparison with Traditional Categories, , и . Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG 2004), 46, стр. 300--303. (2004)Bubbles: A unifying framework for low-level statistical properties of natural image sequences, , и . Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 20 (7): 1237--1252 (2003)Reprinted in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 6(2), 2003.Interpreting Neural Response Variability as Monte Carlo Sampling of the Posterior, , и . Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 15, (2002)A unifying framework for natural image statistics: spatiotemporal activity bubbles, , и . Neurocomputing, (2004)Spatiotemporal linear simple-cell models based on temporal coherence and independent component analysis, , и . Proceedings of NCPW8, Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, Connectionist Models of Cognition and Perception II, 15, стр. 29--38. World Scientific, (2004)Spatiotemporal receptive fields maximizing temporal coherence in natural image sequences, , и . Neurocomputing, (2004)Emergence of Linguistic Features: Independent Component Analysis of Contexts, , и . Proceedings of NCPW9, Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, стр. 129--138. (2004)