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GlobeDB: autonomic data replication for web applications., , , и . WWW, стр. 33-42. ACM, (2005)Resource-Aware Real-Time CORBA in Multi-Server Distributed Environment., , и . IPDPS, IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Globetp: template-based database replication for scalable web applications., , и . WWW, стр. 301-310. ACM, (2007)Adaptive replication for web applications.. Doctoral Symposium on Middleware, стр. 290-293. ACM, (2004)Towards Supporting Fine-Grained Access Control for Grid Resources., , , , и . FTDCS, стр. 59-65. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)High Availability and Scalability Support for Web Applications., , и . SAINT, стр. 5. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Harmony: A Desktop Grid for Delivering Enterprise Computations., , , и . GRID, стр. 25-33. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Autonomic Data Placement Strategies for Update-intensiveWeb applications., , и . AAA-IDEA, стр. 2-9. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Replication for Web Hosting Systems, , , и . ACM Computing Surveys, 36 (3): 291--334 (2004) dynamoDB: a seamlessly scalable non-relational database service.. SIGMOD Conference, стр. 729-730. ACM, (2012)