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Other publications of authors with the same name

A Project Management Model for Multimedia System Development.. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, volume 2532 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 880-887. Springer, (2002)Internet Supported Analysis of MPEG Compressed Newsfeeds., , and . IMSA, page 11-15. IASTED/ACTA Press, (1999)Editorial., , and . Parallel Comput., 1 (1): 1-2 (1984)Image Retrieval with Gabor-Wavelet-Networks., , and . IMSA, page 312-317. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2002)Big Data: Insight and the Scientific Method.. High Performance Computing Workshop, volume 26 of Advances in Parallel Computing, page 3-17. IOS Press, (2014)Four Decades of Cluster Computing., and . PARCO, volume 36 of Advances in Parallel Computing, page 3-8. IOS Press, (2019)