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Design and implementation of an intelligent prognostics system., , , , and . CASE, page 273-278. IEEE, (2005)Kernel Transformer Networks for Compact Spherical Convolution., and . CVPR Workshops, page 11-15. Computer Vision Foundation / IEEE, (2019)Scalable mobile video question-answering system with locally aggregated descriptors and random projection., , , , and . ACM Multimedia, page 647-650. ACM, (2011)Pano2Vid: Automatic Cinematography for Watching 360° Videos., , and . ACCV (4), volume 10114 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 154-171. Springer, (2016)Development of a Generic Virtual Metrology Framework., , , and . CASE, page 282-287. IEEE, (2007)Method for Evaluating Reliance Level of a Virtual Metrology System., , , and . ICRA, page 1590-1596. IEEE, (2007)Pano2Vid: Automatic Cinematography for Watching 360° Videos., , and . WICED@Eurographics, page 45. Eurographics Association, (2017)Development of a generic tester for distributed object-oriented systems., , and . ICRA, page 1723-1730. IEEE, (2003)Sharing the trees among random forests for effective and efficient concept detection., , , and . MMSP, page 226-231. IEEE, (2012)Transfer Learning for Video Recognition with Scarce Training Data., , , , and . CoRR, (2014)