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Numerical simulation study on the severe convective weather over chengdu by three-dimension convective cloud model., , и . ICNC, стр. 2174-2178. IEEE, (2011)Multi-pose facial expression recognition based on SURF boosting., , , и . ACII, стр. 630-635. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Prediction model for early childhood caries risk based on behavioral determinants using a machine learning algorithm., , , , , , и . Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., (2022)Interactive Design of Digital Car Dashboard Interfaces., , и . HCI (17), том 10287 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 343-353. Springer, (2017)How Does Perceived Overload in Mobile Social Media Influence Users' Passive Usage Intentions? Considering the Mediating Roles of Privacy Concerns and Social Media Fatigue., , , и . Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact., 38 (10): 983-992 (2022)A proposal for Kansei knowledge extraction method based on natural language processing technology and online product reviews., и . Comput. Ind., (2019)Attention for Web Directory Advertisements: A Top-Down or Bottom-Up Process?, , , и . Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact., 35 (1): 89-98 (2019)User-Generated Content (UGC) encountered Enterprise-Generated Content (EGC): Quantifying the Impact of EGC on the Propagation of Negative UGC., , и . PACIS, стр. 88. (2014)Age and Computer Skill Level Difference in Aging-Centered Design: A Case Study of a Social Type Website., , , и . HCI (17), том 10287 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 132-141. Springer, (2017)How does customer self-construal moderate CRM value creation chain?, , и . Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 13 (5): 295-304 (2014)