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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Combining Learning and Model Based Control: Case Study for Single-Input Lotka-Volterra System., , und . ACC, Seite 928-933. IEEE, (2019)Balancing nonlinear systems near attracting in variant manifolds., und . ECC, Seite 1625-1630. IEEE, (1999)Cascaded analytic nonlinear systems driven by rough paths., , und . CDC, Seite 1259-1264. IEEE, (2012)Generating Series for Interconnected Analytic Nonlinear Systems., und . SIAM J. Control and Optimization, 44 (2): 646-672 (2005)Chen-Fliess Series for Linear Distributed Systems with One Spatial Dimension., und . ICSTCC, Seite 7-12. IEEE, (2022)Relative degree of interconnected SISO nonlinear control systems., und . CISS, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2018)Nonlinear system identification - input-output modeling approach, Volumes 1 and 2: R. Haber and L. Keviczky, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1999, ISBN: 0-7923-5856-2, 0-7923-5857-0.. Autom., 40 (5): 901-903 (2004)Faà di Bruno Hopf algebra of the output feedback group for multivariable Fliess operators., , und . Syst. Control. Lett., (2014)Discrete-time approximations of fliess operators., , und . ACC, Seite 2433-2439. IEEE, (2016)On cascades of bilinear systems and generating series of weighted Petri nets., , , und . CDC, Seite 4115-4120. IEEE, (2008)