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Compiler-Aided Development of Trusted Enclaves with Rust., , и . ARES, стр. 18:1-18:10. ACM, (2022)Profiling with trust: system monitoring from trusted execution environments., , , , , и . Des. Autom. Embed. Syst., 28 (1): 23-44 (марта 2024)Conditional Network Availability: Enhancing Connectivity Guarantees for TEE-Based Services., , , и . EuroS&P Workshops, стр. 225-233. IEEE, (2024)One key to rule them all: Recovering the master key from RAM to break Android's file-based encryption., , и . Digit. Investig., (2021)Verwendung von Festplattenvollverschlüsselung im geschäftlichen und privaten Umfeld., и . Sicherheit, том P-228 из LNI, стр. 201-216. GI, (2014)Advanced System Resiliency Based on Virtualization Techniques for IoT Devices., , , , и . ACSAC, стр. 455-467. ACM, (2021)Urheberrecht ./. Sicherheitsanalyse., , и . Sicherheit, том P-301 из LNI, стр. 105-115. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2020)FROST, и . Applied Cryptography and Network Security, стр. 373--388. Springer, (2013)Veto: Prohibit Outdated Edge System Software from Booting., , и . ICISSP, стр. 46-57. SciTePress, (2023)Trusted Monitor: TEE-Based System Monitoring., , , , , и . SBESC, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2022)