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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

UPCA: An efficient URL-Pattern based algorithm for accurate web page classification., , , und . FSKD, Seite 1475-1480. IEEE, (2015)Improving text categorization methods for event tracking., , , und . SIGIR, Seite 65-72. ACM, (2000)A Probabilistic Model for Online Document Clustering with Application to Novelty Detection, , , , und . (2004)Information Filtering in TREC-9 and TDT-3: A Comparative Analysis., und . Inf. Retr., 5 (2-3): 159-187 (2002)A Study of Approaches to Hypertext Categorization., , und . J. Intell. Inf. Syst., 18 (2-3): 219-241 (2002)An evaluation of statistical approaches to MEDLINE indexing.. Proceedings of the American Medical Informatic Association (AMIA), Seite 358--362. (1996)Modeling Expected Utility of Multi-session Information Distillation., und . ICTIR, Volume 5766 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 164-175. Springer, (2009)Semi-Supervised Learning with Adaptive Spectral Transform., und . AISTATS, Volume 51 von JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings, Seite 902-910., (2016)Active Learning for Multi-Task Adaptive Filtering., und . ICML, Seite 431-438. Omnipress, (2010)Resource selection for domain-specific cross-lingual IR., und . SIGIR, Seite 154-161. ACM, (2004)