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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

The evolution of coordination in outsourced software development projects: a comparison of client and vendor perspectives.. Inf. Organ., 13 (3): 153-202 (2003)Tablet in the Consultation Room and Physician Satisfaction., , , und . Int. J. Heal. Inf. Syst. Informatics, 18 (1): 1-12 (2023)A Privacy-Security Model of Mobile Cloud Computing Applications., und . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2017)Provider's Innovativeness and Outsourcing Performance: the Moderating effects of Contractual and Relational Governace., , und . PACIS, Seite 140. (2016)Usability of Apps and Websites: A Meta-Regression Study., und . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2017)Understanding Social Media Monitoring and Online Rumors., , , und . J. Comput. Inf. Syst., 61 (6): 507-519 (2021)Portfolios of Control in Outsourced Software Development Projects., und . Inf. Syst. Res., 14 (3): 291-314 (2003)Escalating commitment to information system projects: findings from two simulated experiments., , und . Inf. Manag., 40 (8): 781-798 (2003)Integrating specific knowledge: insights from the Kennedy Space Center., und . IEEE Trans. Engineering Management, 52 (3): 301-315 (2005)Team Processes in Virtual Knowledge Teams: The Effects of Reputation Signals and Network Density., und . J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 35 (1): 266-318 (2018)