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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

WCET Analysis meets Virtual Prototyping: Improving Source-Level Timing Annotations., , und . SCOPES, Seite 13-22. ACM, (2019)Anti-trap protection for an intelligent smart car door system., , , und . ITSC, Seite 1734-1740. IEEE, (2012)Motion stereo-based collision avoidance for an intelligent smart car door system., , , und . ITSC, Seite 1383-1389. IEEE, (2012)Design Methods for Augmented Reality In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems., , , und . DAC, Seite 72:1-72:6. ACM, (2014)A DECOMSYS based tool-chain for analyzing FlexRay based automotive control applications., , , und . CASE, Seite 403-408. IEEE, (2009)Dimensioning and configuration of EES systems for electric vehicles with boundary-conditioned adaptive scalarization., , , und . CODES+ISSS, Seite 26:1-26:10. IEEE, (2013)Stixel on the Bus: An Efficient Lossless Compression Scheme for Depth Information in Traffic Scenarios., , , und . MMM (1), Volume 8325 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 568-579. Springer, (2014)GPU-based Acceleration of System-level Design Tasks., und . Int. J. Parallel Program., 38 (3-4): 225-253 (2010)On optimal neighbor discovery., und . SIGCOMM, Seite 441-457. ACM, (2019)Identifying "representative" workloads in designing MpSoC platforms for media processing., , und . ESTIMedia, Seite 41-46. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)