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A Generic Neutral Model for Measuring Excess Evolutionary Activity of Genotypes, and . Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2, page 1366--1373. Orlando, Florida, USA, Morgan Kaufmann, (13-17 July 1999)Introduction to Recent Developments in Living Technology, , , , and . Artificial Life, 19 (3_4): 291--298 (October 2013)Philosophical and scientific perspectives on emergence., , , and . Synthese, 185 (2): 165-169 (2012)Four Puzzles About Life.. Artif. Life, 4 (2): 125-140 (1998)Twitter Keyword Volume, Current Spending, and Weekday Spending Norms Predict Consumer Spending., , , and . ICDM Workshops, page 747-753. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Open-Ended Technological Innovation., , , , , and . Artif. Life, 25 (1): 33-49 (2019)The arrow of complexity hypothesis.. ALIFE, page 750. MIT Press, (2008)The nature of life. The philosophy of artificial life, (1996)Downward Causation and the Autonomy of Weak Emergence. Principia, 6 (1): 5--50 (2002)Towards a comparison of evolutionary creativity in biological and cultural evolution, and . ICAL 2003: Proceedings of the eighth international conference on Artificial life, page 233--242. Cambridge, MA, USA, MIT Press, (2003)