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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Constraint Handling Using Tournament Selection: Abductive Inference in Partly Deterministic Bayesian Networks., und . Evol. Comput., 17 (1): 55-88 (2009)Towards software health management with bayesian networks., , , und . FoSER, Seite 331-336. ACM, (2010)KVAT: A Tool for Incremental Knowledge Validation in a Knowledge Engineering Workbench.. EUROVAV, Seite 133-146. Logica Ltd., Cambridge, UK, (1991)Captioning with Language-Based Attention., , , , und . DSAA, Seite 415-423. IEEE, (2018)Towards continuous and passive authentication across mobile devices: an empirical study., , , und . WISEC, Seite 35-45. ACM, (2017)Optimizing the decomposition of time series using evolutionary algorithms: soil moisture analytics., , , , , und . GECCO, Seite 1073-1080. ACM, (2017)Detecting and Segmenting Solar Farms in Satellite Imagery: A Study of Deep Neural Network Architectures., und . SCAI, Volume 208 von Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, Seite 19-28. Linköping University Electronic Press, (2024)Acquisition and Modeling of Uncertain, Incomplete and Time-Varying Knowldege., und . EKAW, Volume 723 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 300-319. Springer, (1993)Scalable Causal Learning for Predicting Adverse Events in Smart Buildings., , , und . AAAI Workshop: AI for Smart Grids and Smart Buildings, Volume WS-16-04 von AAAI Workshops, AAAI Press, (2016)Multi-focus and multi-level techniques for visualization and analysis of networks with thematic data., , und . Visualization and Data Analysis, Volume 8654 von SPIE Proceedings, Seite 865403. SPIE, (2013)