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Reading unspaced text is not easy: Comments on the implications of Epelboim et al.'s (1994) study for models of eye movement control in reading, and . Vision Research, (February 1996)Toward a Model of Eye Movement Control in Reading., , , and . Psychological Review, (1998)Regressive eye movements and sentence parsing: On the use of regression-contingent analyses, and . Memory and Cognition, (1994)Parafoveal word processing during eye fixations in reading: Effects of word frequency, and . Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, (1986)Top-down influences in the interactive alignment model: The power of the situation model, and . Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27 (2): 211 (2004)Tests of the E-Z Reader model: Exploring the interface between cognition and eye-movement control, , and . Cognitive Psychology, 52 (1): 1--56 (February 2006)Comparing naming, lexical decision, and eye fixation times: Word frequency effects and individual differences, , and . Memory & Cognition, 26 (6): 1270--1281 (1998)The time course of plausibility effects on eye movements in reading: Evidence from noun-noun compounds, , , , and . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 33 (6): 1162--1169 (2007)The perceptual span and peripheral cues in reading. Cognitive Psychology, 7 (1): 65--81 (1975)Eye movements as reflections of perceptual and cognitive processes (abstract only).. ETRA, page 9-10. ACM, (2004)