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The Proteus Bibliography: Representation and Interactive Display in Databases., , и . SIGMOD Record, 15 (3): 46-55 (1986)Mistaking Identity., , и . DBPL, стр. 161-168. Morgan Kaufmann, (1989)Proteus: Objectifying the DBMS User Interface., , и . OODBS, стр. 133-145. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)Modeling Events and Processes at the Conceptual Level.. ICOD, стр. 151-168. Wiley Heyden Ltd., (1983)ADE: Mapping between the External and Conceptual Levels., и . TFAIS, стр. 34-48. Elsevier/North-Holland, (1985)Representing CSG Solids Using a Logic-Based Object Data Model., , , , и . VDB, стр. 183-216. North-Holland, (1989)GemStone Visual Schema Designer: A Tool for Object-Oriented Database Design., и . DS-4, стр. 73-92. North-Holland, (1990)Modeling Time at the Conceptual Level.. JCDKB, стр. 273-297. Academic Press, (1982)User Interfaces and Database Management Systems., и . SIGMOD Conference, стр. 293-294. ACM Press, (1986)SIGMOD Record 15(2), June 1986.A Distributed Object Server., , , , и . OODBS, том 334 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 43-59. Springer, (1988)