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Profile-Based Object Matching for Information Integration., , , и . IEEE Intelligent Systems, 18 (5): 54-59 (2003)Winter wheat identification using multi-temporal ENVISAT ASAR data - A case study at Tongzhou district, Beijing., , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 5705-5708. IEEE, (2012)Power control with outage probability specifications for wireless cellular systems in Rician/Rician fading channels., , , и . PIMRC, стр. 1481-1485. IEEE, (2004)IDEA: : an infrastructure for detection-based adaptive consistency control in replicated services., , и . HPDC, стр. 223-224. ACM, (2007)Distributed Chinese Bibliographic Searching., , и . Commun. ACM, 41 (4): 66-68 (1998)Distributed Query Processing for Clustered and Bibliographic Databases., и . DASFAA, том 6 из Advanced Database Research and Development Series, стр. 441-450. World Scientific, (1997)A Topic Approach to Sentence Ordering for Multi-document Summarization., , , , , и . Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, стр. 1390-1395. IEEE, (2016)Research Review of the Development of Supply Chain Finance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TREND IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 7 (1): 758-763 (февраля 2023)Feedback Control Architecture and Design Methodology for Service Delay Guarantees in Web Servers., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 17 (9): 1014-1027 (2006)Correction to: "SPOCU": scaled polynomial constant unit activation function., , , , и . Neural Comput. Appl., 33 (5): 1749-1750 (2021)