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Formal Validation of Recursive Backtracking Algorithms: The Case of Listing Stable Extensions in the Directed Graphs of Argumentation Frameworks., , , и . CoRR, (2020)Object Detection and Counting Challenges in Real Street Monitoring: Case Study of Homeless Encampments., , , und . ICIP, Seite 2785-2789. IEEE, (2023)Scalable Spatial Crowdsourcing: A Study of Distributed Algorithms., , und . MDM (1), Seite 134-144. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Real-Time Traffic Video Analysis Using Intel Viewmont Coprocessor., , , , , und . DNIS, Volume 7813 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 150-160. Springer, (2013)Exploring the Spatial-Visual Locality of Geo-tagged Urban Street Images., , , , und . MIPR, Seite 104-110. IEEE, (2021)An Interactive Video Search Tool: A Case Study Using the V3C1 Dataset., , , , , und . MMM (2), Volume 12573 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 448-454. Springer, (2021)Country-specific Ensemble Learning: A Deep Learning Approach for Road Damage Detection., , , und . IEEE Big Data, Seite 6387-6394. IEEE, (2022)Key Frame Selection Algorithms for Automatic Generation of Panoramic Images from Crowdsourced Geo-tagged Videos., , , , , , und . W2GIS, Volume 8470 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 67-84. Springer, (2014)A Web-Based Visualization Tool for 3D Spatial Coverage Measurement of Aerial Images., , , , und . MMM (2), Volume 11962 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 715-721. Springer, (2020)GeoUGV: user-generated mobile video dataset with fine granularity spatial metadata., , , , , , und . MMSys, Seite 43:1-43:6. ACM, (2016)