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Protection ellipsoids for stability analysis of feedforward neural-net controllers., , и . IJCNN, стр. 1349-1356. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Neural network estimation of photovoltaic I-V curves under partially shaded conditions., , , , , , и . IJCNN, стр. 1358-1365. IEEE, (2011)Robust adaptive optimal control modification with large adaptive gain., и . ACC, стр. 2581-2586. IEEE, (2009)Optimal Lateral Trajectory Tracking using Backstepping with a Fully Tuned Growing RBF Neural Network., , и . Infotech@Aerospace, (2012)Failure Modes in Feedback Error Learning., , и . IJCNN, стр. 277-284. IEEE, (2006)Stability analysis of degenerate gradient flows via the WKB approximation., и . ACC, стр. 3836-3841. IEEE, (2009)A stability result for distributed control of the beam., , и . ACC, стр. 3308-3313. IEEE, (2013)Distributed parameter e-modification for an aeroelastic torsion model., и . CDC, стр. 2427-2432. IEEE, (2014)A Robust Initialization Scheme for a Lateral Trajectory Optimization Problem with Guaranteed Arrival Time Windows., , , , и . Infotech@Aerospace, (2012)Feedback Error Learning with a noisy teacher., , и . ACC, стр. 4529-4534. IEEE, (2008)