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Coordination System Modelling., и . ER, том 881 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 474-490. Springer, (1994)General framework for the rapid development of interactive paper applications, , и . Proc. CoPADD, 6, стр. 9--12. (2006)Workshop Paper.Adaptive Model-Driven Information Systems Development for Object Databases., , , , и . ISD, стр. 513-525. Springer, (2011)AwareNews—A context-aware, ambient news service, , , и . Intelligent Environments, 2008 IET 4th International Conference on, стр. 1--8. IET, (2008)A Meta-plugin for Bespoke Data Management in WordPress., , и . WISE, том 7651 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 580-593. Springer, (2012)Temporal Object Role Modelling., и . CAiSE, том 1250 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 245-258. Springer, (1997)Data Mining and Modeling in Scientific Databases., и . SSDBM, стр. 24-27. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)A Product Information System based on an Object-Oriented Internet Database System., и . WETICE, стр. 43-48. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)A Systematic Approach to the Development of E-Commerce Sites for Mass Customization., , , , и . EEE, стр. 246-249. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)The Proteus Distributed Database System., , , , , , , , , и 7 other автор(ы). BNCOD, стр. 225-245. Cambridge University Press, (1984)