Author of the publication

Adversarial Behavior in Multi-agent Systems.

, , and . CEEMAS, volume 3690 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 470-479. Springer, (2005)

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On the Value of Coordination in Distributed Self-Adaptation of Intrusion Detection System., , and . IAT, page 196-203. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)978-0-7695-4513-4.Agent Methods for Network Intrusion Detection and Response., , , , , and . HoloMAS, volume 4659 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 149-160. Springer, (2007)Incrementally Refined Acquaintance Model for Consortia Composition., , , and . CIA, volume 5180 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 280-291. Springer, (2008)Representing Context for Multiagent Trust Modeling., , , and . IAT, page 737-746. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Network Intrusion Detection by Means of Community of Trusting Agents., , , , and . IAT, page 498-504. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Improving Anomaly Detection Error Rate by Collective Trust Modeling., , , , , and . RAID, volume 5230 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 398-399. Springer, (2008)Game Theoretical Adaptation Model for Intrusion Detection System - Demo Paper., , , , and . PAAMS, volume 155 of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, page 291-294. Springer, (2012)Self-Organized Mechanism for Distributed Setup of Multiple Heterogeneous Intrusion Detection Systems., and . SASO Workshops, page 31-38. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Reducing false positives of network anomaly detection by local adaptive multivariate smoothing., , and . J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 83 (1): 43-57 (2017)Expectations and deployment of agent technology in manufacturing and defence: case studies., , and . AAMAS Industrial Applications, page 100-106. ACM, (2005)