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A Consensus Model for Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making Problems Based on Interval Fuzzy Number.

, , , and . SMC, page 2991-2996. IEEE, (2013)

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A Consensus Model for Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making Problems Based on Interval Fuzzy Number., , , and . SMC, page 2991-2996. IEEE, (2013)Application of Mathematical Expectation and variance in the Group Decision Making., and . FSKD, page 43-47. IEEE, (2012)On a Mathematical Relationship Between the Fixed Point and the Closed Itemset in Association Rule Mining., , , and . Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 3809 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 989-992. Springer, (2005)An artificial variable RZ decision method for geometric superfluity of condition constraint in linear programming problem., and . ISKE, page 56-59. IEEE, (2010)Improved NSAF Algorithms with Variable Control Parameter Against Impulsive Noises., , , and . Circuits Syst. Signal Process., 39 (4): 2207-2222 (2020)The driven genetic selection mechanism., and . SMC, page 3873-3876. IEEE, (2000)Delay-dependent robust strictly passive analysis for a class of uncertain discrete singular time-delay systems., , and . ACC, page 3660-3664. IEEE, (2008)Analysis and Design of a Fuzzy System Based on Fuzzy Entropy of Fuzzy Partition., , and . FUZZ-IEEE, page 1503-1506. IEEE, (2001)A Pair of New Positive Definite-Coupling Operators and Their Algorithms., and . WGEC, page 272-275. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Study on the assessment level of experts based on advantage degree of linguistic assessment matrices., and . FSKD, page 165-169. IEEE, (2012)