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Exploring complex networks through random walks, и . Physical Review E, 75 (1): 016102 (2007)Characterization of Complex Networks: A Survey of Measurements, , , и . Advances in Physics, 56 (1): 167-242 (2007)What are the best concentric descriptors for complex networks?, и . New Journal of Physics, 9 (9): 311 (2007)Some issues on complex networks for author characterization, , , , и . Fourth Workshop in Information and Human Language Technology (TIL'06) in the Proceedings of International Joint Conference IBERAMIA-SBIA-SBRN, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, ICMC-USP, (октября 2006)Characterization of subgraphs relationships and distribution in complex networks, и . New Journal of Physics, 11 (1): 013058 (2009)Seeking for Simplicity in Complex Networks, и . Europhysics Letters, 85 (4): 48001 (2009)Hierarchical features of large-scale cortical connectivity, и . European Physical Journal B, (2005)Accessibility in Complex Networks, и . Physics Letters A, 373 (1): 89-95 (2008)Sznajd Complex Networks. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 16 (7): 1001-1016 (2005)Hierarchical Characterization of Complex Networks, и . Journal of Statistical Physics, 125 (4): 841-872 (2006)