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Knowledge Discovery on Cryptocurrency Exchange Rate Prediction Using Machine Learning Pipelines., и . Sensors, 22 (5): 1740 (2022)Classification of advertisement articles using sentiment analysis: (Research-based on Korean natural language processing and deep learning technology)., и . NLPIR, стр. 84-88. ACM, (2022)ALE-Compliant RFID Middleware for Mobile Environment., , , и . SNPD, стр. 606-611. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Address Internetworking between WSNs and Internet supporting Web Services., , , и . MUE, стр. 232-240. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Data Extraction Using Preprocessing Compression Based on LZW to Improve DB Performance., , , и . SERA, стр. 64-67. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)A Unique One-Time Password Table Sequence Pattern Authentication: Application to Bicol University Union of Federated Faculty Association, Inc. (BUUFFAI) eVoting System., , , и . CoRR, (2017)A User-Adaptive Augmented Reality System in Mobile Computing Environment., и . Software and Network Engineering, том 413 из Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (2012)Edge detection for Roof Images using Transfer Learning., , и . ICIS, стр. 92-98. IEEE, (2019)Machine Learning-Based Analysis of Cryptocurrency Market Financial Risk Management., и . IEEE Access, (2022)Short-Term Energy Forecasting Using Machine-Learning-Based Ensemble Voting Regression., , и . Symmetry, 14 (1): 160 (2022)